Microscope-assisted ROOT CANAL TREATMENT by root canal specialist (endodontist)

TriDent Budapest Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry

TriDent Budapest Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry offers Professional Root Canal Treatment under microscope, carried out by our root canal treatment specialists (endodontists). This endodontic therapy is provided by only limited number of clinics in Budapest.


A proper root canal treatment needs:

  1. State of the art equipments: dental operational microscope with 5-25x magnification, high tech special instruments and active ingredients.
  2. Highly trained endodontist (Root Canal Specialist)

Why is Professional Root Canal Treatment?

Another term for a Specialist Root Canal Treatment is Endodontics. An endodonist is a specialist in root canal treatment. In case you have developed pain in a tooth or the pulp is infected or not vital, you can choose to have a root canal treatment or you will loose the tooth sooner or later. Using professional root canal treatment under microscope, we can save the tooth (with healthy periodontal tissues, and repairable crown part with kept dentin without perforations) with over 95% success rate. Our specialists can perform root canal treatment totally painless.

Dental operational microscope
with 5-25x magnification

What makes a Root Canal Specialist (Endodontist) different?

mikroszkópos gyökérkezelés

Human teeth have lots of different root anatomy and root canals that often makes the root canal treatment quite difficult for a general dentist to ensure that all the root canals are found, disinfected and filled completely.

In case not all the root canals found and the canals are not fully disinfected, then it is possible a root canal may fail and an infection can develop through the top of the root causing inflammation and bone loss.

It means, that with Professional Root Canal Treatment  even the most difficult teeth have a great chance to keep them without inflammation for several years.

TriDent Budapest is one of the few dental clinics in Budapest using a latest technology microscope (Labomed Prima DNT microscope with HD camera displayed) for the treatment of root canals.


You have to know that the price of the Professional Root canal Treatment is significantly higher than the conventional one, but for the higher price you receive a significantly higher success rate to keep the tooth without inflammation and bone loss. A professional root canal treatment is lower than making implant (extracting the tooth, implant insertion, abutment, crown on the top).

Please contact us to make an appointment for an initial consultation for Professional Root Canal Treatment:

phone: +36 20 945 8797 (on working days 9-19h),

e-mail: rootcanal@trident.hu

All the dental photographs, images and graphics are original materials performed and photographed by Dr. George Toth © TriDent Budapest.

Our specialists who performs Professional Root Canal Treatment at TriDent Budapest Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry:

Contact Us


    Dr. George Toth DDS, MSc Implant


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