Dr. Csilla Gáspár

I am lucky that I love dentistry, my job. Endodontics, the microscope assisted root canal treatment is one of my favorite specialties of dentistry. It requires extraordinary professional skills, patience, and precise execution, this is the only way the root canal treatment can be successful. It is good to see how during the treatment the carious parts of the tooth are cleaned, the complaints disappear and thus we save a tooth. I developed my professional skills at the endodontic courses of Dr. Petra Borbély M.Sc. Dr. Borbély specializes in microscope assisted canal treatment.

I Consider Dr. Petra Borbély as my mentor. My other favorite field of expertise is aesthetic dentistry. It includes smile design and smile makeover, i.e. smile transformation or smile renovation. We make functionally stable, long-term fillings, e.max veneers, metal-free zirconia crowns and bridges, using the most modern digital dental technologies available at TriDent Aesthetic and Family Dentistry: 3D CBCT, 3D oral scanner.

I like to perform the treatments in a relaxed, good atmosphere and re-assuring manner, I try to explain the course of the treatments in detail.

  • Fogorvos diploma Szeged
  • Konzerváló Fogászat és Fogpótlástan szakvizsga
  • Fog- és Szájbetegségek szakvizsga
  • Mikroszkópos gyökérkezelés
  • Esztétikai fogászat
  • Mosolytervezés
  • Smile Makeover – Mosoly átalakítás
Practice 1048 Budapest Nádasdy Kálmán u. 17.
Phone munkanapokon 9-19h
Phone munkanapokon 9-19h
Email gyokerkezeles@trident.hu